
Coaching Kids to Better Friendships

Coaching Kids to Better Friendships

“Friends are everything. They are always there if you have a problem or if you get hurt, they can always help you up.” – Patricio, Camper, Age 8

The commonly accepted trajectory of do well in school -> get into a good college -> make a lot of money -> flourish in life is not exactly accurate. You only have to know one unhappy wealthy person to know that’s not the path that will lead to happiness or fulfillment. What is a more accurate trajectory? good interpersonal (social) skills -> positive relationships -> flourish in life. Michael Thompson’s statement, “Friendship is the gold of childhood,” stuck with me long after I attended his conference session on the social lives of children. Friendship is not just the gold of childhood, but also of life. In my research for my Master’s degree in Psychology, I looked closely at studies related to friendship, social skills, and well-being. What I found was not surprising. For children, and adults as well, positive relationships are the best predictor of overall happiness and well-being. As parents, teachers, and counselors, we should be putting a primary emphasis on helping kids develop the social skills they need to make and keep friends. Unfortunately, our culture is not supporting the development of healthy, solid friendships between kids. Friendship is more important than any academic subject or athletic skill, and yet the way our kids spend their time ... Read more

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Counselors Bring the GAC Philosophy to Life

Counselors Bring the GAC Philosophy to Life

Today marks the start of our Staff Training Week ("Tweek" for short). We'll spend this evening getting to know each other and will spend the entire week learning how we will bring GAC's Vision, Mission, & Goals to life this summer for our campers. Our 2022 staff will learn how we Connect, Coach, and Create to deliver the Fun, Friends, and Growth that our campers experience at GAC. Listen to this bonus episode of the GAC POGcast to learn all about our vision, mission, and goals at GAC!

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Have Fun: Creating a Positive, Connected Family Culture – Parent Coffee on January 19

Have Fun: Creating a Positive, Connected Family Culture – Parent Coffee on January 19

Want to bring some of the fun and connection of GAC home to your family this year?  Creating a close and connected family culture that promotes positive, lifelong relationships is the most important thing we can do for our children. Grab your coffee or tea, login, and join other GAC parents for our first parent coffee of 2022. We'll learn about and discuss simple, research-based and experience-backed strategies for adding more fun and connection at home. Audrey "Sunshine" Monke, who will be speaking at this coffee, is Gold Arrow Camp's Chief Visionary Officer, the author of Happy Campers: 9 Summer Camp Secrets for Raising Kids Who Become Thriving Adults, and the host of the Sunshine Parenting Podcast. Audrey regularly speaks to parents and teachers on the topics of friendship skills, connection, and well-being. See some of her past interviews and events here. All Gold Arrow Camp parents who register will be entered in our drawing for one of 10 free, signed copies of Happy Campers. Drawing will take place and winners will be notified on January 14, 2022.  Registrants will be sent a recording after the meeting as well as a PDF with the strategies and links we discuss.

Register here to attend the January 19 Parent Coffee and be entered to win a ... Read more

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