
Tigers’ Social – Session 1

Tigers’ Social – Session 1

Tigers are our campers heading into 5th and 6th grades. They're at a great age for age group socializing and events, and they enthusiastically participated in yesterday's Tigers' Social, which included socializing, snacks, and a rousing game of Bingo! [gallery size="large" columns="2" ids="12803,12807,12804,12806"]

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Camper Support Team

Camper Support Team   Our 2022 Camper Support Team is an amazing group of people with many years of experience who are ready to provide assistance to campers and support our counselors this summer. Our main focus is to partner with you to provide the best camp experience possible for your child. We will contact you if your camper is having an especially difficult time settling in to camp or if we need assistance with a behavior your child is exhibiting that's not meeting our camper standards of behavior. If you have any questions or would like to share how we can best support you and your camper, please let us know! Send us an email or give us a call at 800-554-2267 x. 0. We're looking forward to helping your camper have FUN, make FRIENDS, and GROW! Happy Camping, Chelster & the GAC Camper & Counselor Support Team: Assistant Directors: Gem, Mec, & Peanut Butter Head Counselors: Aloe, Anmut, Bagel, Bravo, Dinky, & Tripps

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Session 1 Has Begun!

Session 1 Has Begun!

Session 1 has started! We're so excited to welcome our Session 1 campers to our first two-week session of the summer. This session we have campers coming from as far away as Cananda, Mexico, and Germany and representing many states! Of these campers... 126 are 1st time campers at GAC 194 are returning campers 28 are 3-year campers and 16 are 5-year campers! We are so excited for the next 2 weeks that will be spent hiking, singing songs, waterskiing, campfires and so much more! Make sure to keep up with everything going on at camp through our News & Photos (on the Campanion App or your My GAC Login). What are we eating this week? Check out the Session 1 Menu.

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