Western Dance!
Tonight, everyone at camp came down to Granite Grove in their best Western attire to celebrate the end of an incredible Session 4 at GAC! Enjoy the highlights below!
Tonight, everyone at camp came down to Granite Grove in their best Western attire to celebrate the end of an incredible Session 4 at GAC! Enjoy the highlights below!
Session 4 campers have had an awesome first week at GAC. The singing has been loud and the dancing ubiquitous! We are also doing a whole lot of bucket filling.
One of our favorite ways to fill each other's buckets has been writing WOWs. Each morning at assembly, Cheerio reads a few of the WOWs from the previous day, and then all of the notes are delivered in the camp mail. WOWs are a fun camp tradition that reminds us to thank, compliment, and celebrate each other.
Today was Crazy Cranium Day, and we had some wild headgear, wacky hairdos and all-around crazy craniums! See some pictures and the video below for a look at the fun!
This morning, at morning assembly, each cabin arrived with it's own theme! Some wore backwards hats, others were decked out in lifejackets, even some rocked walrus teeth! Enjoy a few photos from the morning, below! [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://goldarrowcamp.com/app/uploads/2019/08/S4-CABIN-THEME-DAY.mp4"][/video] . [gallery size="large" ids="5497,5498,5499,5500,5501,5502,5503,5504,5505"]