
Bear’s Adventure!

Bear’s Adventure!

A highlight of the two-week session for our youngest campers (grades K-3), and their version of “backpacking,” is Bears’ Adventure. This one-night trip allows campers to experience sleeping outdoors under the stars and cooking over a campfire. Campers’ luggage is taken for them to the campsite, so they are not technically “backpacking,” because they have no pack to carry. With just their water bottle and their positive attitudes, they set out from camp singing and talking on their hike. The best part of Bears’ Adventure is the free time kids get to play and explore the area. For many campers, the longer sticks provide the perfect start to a fort. Others enjoy laying on their sleeping bags talking with friends or silently watching clouds move overhead. Some participate in crafts and games while enjoying being outdoors. For many of these kids, Bears’ Adventure is their first experience “roughing it,” and they absolutely love it. When they hike back into camp the morning after their Adventure, our Bears’ campers stand a little taller. And their dirty, smiling faces are the best indication that they have experienced the awe of nature. [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video]   [gallery size="large" ids="5081,5080,5079,5078,5077,5076"]  

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Crazy Cranium Day!

Crazy Cranium Day!

Yesterday, we all made sure we came to morning assembly with our wildest headgear, our wackiest hairdo's and our craziest craniums! See the video below for a quick look at our morning fun! [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video]

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Pajama Breakfast

Pajama Breakfast

We always start our first breakfast of the session making ourselves feel comfy and at home in our jammies! Today we celebrated the first Pajama Breakfast of the summer. Here are a few pictures from the morning! [gallery size="large" ids="5005,5004,5003"]

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Safe & Sleeping at GAC (No Earthquake Impact)

Safe & Sleeping at GAC (No Earthquake Impact)

We've received a few calls asking whether we were impacted by the earthquake near Ridgecrest. We are all safe here at GAC. A few people felt the quake, but most of us didn't.  We were at Appreciation Campfire celebrating the end of Session 1. Here are our newest 5-Year Campers with their blankets! Campers are sleeping and will be heading home (Session 1) or to Shaver Island (monthers) tomorrow morning.

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