The moment we’ve all been waiting for has arrived! GAC pajamas are on sale now! Show your green and gold GAC spirit while wearing a pair of cozy, comfy GAC jammies. These limited edition pjs make a perfect gift for the GAC fans in your family or for GAC super fans, order your whole family matching holiday jammies.
The long sleeve pajama set has an “all-over” Gold Arrow Camp starry chipmunk print and is made of super soft, 100% cotton with rib cuffs on sleeves and pants.
These jammies are being made to order especially for you, so we can only fill orders through November 8. After the order window ends, there will not be another opportunity to order these one-of-a-kind snuggle enhancers. We anticipate orders will be mailed to you in mid-December.
With production limits, there is a cap on the number of jammies to be produced, so we cannot guarantee availability throughout the entire order window. If you know you want a set, then order now.
Our Gold Arrow Teacher Academy (GATA) has provided members with valuable resources, webinars, and connection over the past few months. With a new and often challenging learning environment for teachers and students, having access to strategies that promote friendships, fun, and character growth in classrooms can be transformative.
If you are an educator or have an educator in your circle of family and friends, please consider joining GATA! New members have access to our past webinars, a library of resources, and all upcoming webinars and Teacher Talks. If you’d prefer to purchase access to the November 11th webinar only, that’s an option here.
Join us for next month’s webinar, Coaching Students to Autonomy & Problem Solving on November 11 at 5pm PT/8pm ET. How often do you find yourself dealing with student and parent issues that they can handle on their own? Would you like a framework for guiding your students and parents to know what to deal with themselves and when to seek your guidance? Many students (and parents) do not know how to appropriately assess the seriousness of their challenges and discern when it’s necessary to seek your assistance, so they contact you about every problem, no matter how small. Teaching students (and parents) how to assess the size of their problem, and discern whether your intervention is needed, is an important life skill for your students and a time saving strategy for you.
Hello GAC Community,
We were overwhelmed by your outpouring of love and offers of help during the Creek Fire. Your reaching out was a reminder to us of how important and impactful camp has been in your lives.
During the fire, when we did not know the direct impact the fire would have on GAC or what help we might need in the future, we directed people who offered us financial support to donate to the Red Cross, which did important work supporting the immediate needs of our mountain community – many of whom lost homes or were evacuated for many weeks. Now that the smoke has settled and we’ve been able to enter camp and assess the damage, we have a way for you to help GAC.
While we are thankful that most of our buildings and trees were spared, GAC did not escape the Creek Fire unscathed. The fire burned strongly in the western half of GAC, the area known as “Mirimichi.” The fire destroyed several old Boy Scout structures (from the camp that was formerly on the site) and two of our newer storage sheds – the Horse Tack Shed and the Granite Grove Shed, both of which were storing program equipment. All of our mountain bikes, hammock structures, tables and chairs for our Granite Grove dances and dinner parties, and horse program supplies were burned beyond recognition.
Though we have fire insurance and have filed a claim, the insurance will not cover the total of our loss. And while we are thankful that most of our buildings and property were spared from damage, this loss – on top of our other significant financial losses from not being able to operate in 2020 – is another blow during an already challenging year.
By making a donation to our #GACSTRONG Creek Fire Fund, you can help us recover from our losses from the fire and replace buildings and equipment in preparation for 2021. A donation of any size to the fund will be gratefully accepted. To honor your loyalty and support of GAC, we’ll engrave your name on a sign that will hang on one of the two new buildings: Granite Grove Shed 2.0 or Horse Tack Shed 2.0.
We’re thankful that all we have to replace at camp is equipment and two sheds. We’re also thankful to have such a supportive and caring camp community. Thank you for all of your support over the years, and especially the last 9 months, which have been the most challenging we’ve faced. We are encouraged that, however challenging our obstacles may be, we need to continue working to bring much-needed fun, friendship, and growth to our campers who go on to bring positive changes to the world.
We can’t wait to whadda together again in 2021!
Monkey & Junior checked on camp again on Wednesday, September 16, 2020, and took a few pictures to share with all of us:
Thank you for your continued messages and concern about GAC. We have felt your love and prayers over the past weeks as we all watched the progression of the Creek Fire towards our beloved GAC.
Many of us became adept at refreshing the many different fire and heat maps, and we are thankful that it is no longer necessary to check for those dreaded red dots over GAC!
We do not anticipate any major damage to GAC from this fire; however, there is still some fire activity in the vicinity of camp, so we are continuing to closely monitor the situation. We’re feeling confident that camp will continue to be safe from the Creek Fire, as the worst days of the blaze in our area were last week.
Our favorite firefighter, longtime GAC staff member Brad “Junior” Driscoll, is continuing to keep tabs on GAC.
Monkey, who was trained as a volunteer firefighter back in the 90s, was able to spend Tuesday – Thursday on the mountain with Junior, and he even had the opportunity to fight a blaze at the staff housing at China Peak. See news video featuring the back of Monkey as he sprays water into a burning structure.
On Saturday (9/12/20), Andy “Soy” Moeschberger joined Junior for a walk through camp. They found the Vanilla Tree, the Dining Porch, Big Campfire, and all of our camper tents and cabins safely waiting for the summer of 2021.
We are grateful for the prayers and support of our GAC community. We were extremely fortunate that GAC fared so well during the fire when many of our neighbors did not. Our hearts go out to the camps and cabin owners around Huntington Lake that lost structures to the Creek Fire.
The report from camp continues to be positive. Junior and Monkey were both able to be at camp over the last 36 hours and here’s what they report:
The Creek Fire is continuing to burn at Huntington Lake. There are crews in camp actively engaging in protecting structures. They have a water line protecting the edge of camp and are ready to fight the fire if the need arises. Lower temperatures and calmer winds have made the fire more predictable and less aggressive.
For now, camp is safe and well-protected. We are optimistic but understand that changes in wind or weather could change the situation.
Many of you have reached out to ask what you can do to help. Right now, the best resource is the Red Cross. You can also text CAWILDFIRES to 90999 to make a $10 donation to the Red Cross California fire relief efforts. When the Creek Fire is contained and we know more about what our beloved mountain community needs we will share opportunities for you to help more specifically.
We continue to be overwhelmed by your messages of support and continued thoughts and prayers for our little oasis in the High Sierra. We are in awe of the bravery and efforts of the fire crews that continue to battle the Creek Fire. Thank you all.
This afternoon we got a boots-on-the-ground report from camp. Here’s the current situation as it stands as of 2pm:
Currently, there are two fire strike teams in camp. They are cutting a fire break from the lake to Highway 168 just to the west of the mini motorboat dock.
There is damage to the Mirimichi portion of camp, including Granite Grove, but there is no structural damage to camp right now.
We are exceptionally grateful to the fire crews who are working bravely and tirelessly and to the members of our GAC family who continue to reach out with generous offers of support. We are hopeful for low winds and continued cooler temperatures to aid in fighting the fire.
Thank you for the outpouring of calls and emails. It is overwhelming for us to know how much camp means to so many of you. We can’t respond to each of you, but please know how much we appreciate your offers of support. Thankfully, all of camp’s staff members have evacuated safely from the mountain. When we have more concrete details about how you can help, we will share those with you.
Due to communications infrastructure being destroyed by the fire, accurate updates from Huntington Lake have been slow and inconsistent. Based on the publicly available maps we can see that the fire is moving toward camp. We will update this page and our social media accounts as soon as we have confirmed information about the status of camp.
Again, thank you for your concern and your offers of assistance. For a long time, we have known that Gold Arrow Camp was a community that feels like a family. In this year of pandemic and fire your kind words of support and love have proved that point over and over again.
As of this morning, winds had shifted and camp is not directly threatened by the Creek Fire. The Huntington Lake Volunteer Fire Department has been working hard to fight the fire at the other end of the lake (where our Will’O sailing trip goes each session.)
Firefighters are currently fighting the fire around the town of Shaver Lake.
This is the heat map as of 11 AM on September 7th.
Thank you to our camp families, staff, and alumni who have reached out with concerns about the fire that is near camp.
On the evening of September 4th, the Creek Fire began below the town of Big Creek, near Shaver Lake. This morning, September 5th, the Fresno County Sheriff ordered the evacuation of everyone at Huntington Lake and Shaver Lake.
Both main camp and Shaver Island are currently safe, and we are continuing to monitor the situation. We’re grateful to the brave firefighters who are working to contain the fire.
We will update this page with information as it becomes available. You can also find more information here.
One of the most common things we hear at Gold Arrow Camp from campers and staff is how much GAC has impacted their lives and shaped who they are today. GAC is a magical place where campers and staff experience the benefits of pushing themselves outside of their comfort zone and connecting face-to-face.
There are many ways that GAC impacts our lives and we want to hear YOUR story! Tell us your story and we will share those stories on our website and social media!
Please submit your stories here and email any photos or questions to We hope to hear from you soon!
I was 9 years old my first year and every single day I cried from homesickness. Then every single year after that I returned for even longer sessions and just fell in love and grew less and less homesick. Gold Arrow Camp has truly become my home away from home. It is the only place where I can be truly happy and be my very own self. If I could spend my time in one place, it’d be GAC. Without camp I would not have the confidence, the social skills, the friends, and overall the happiness I have today.
We have always been committed to providing our families with much more than just a few weeks of fun and friendship during the summer. Our mission has always been much bigger. Our vision is that the experiences and relationships that our campers and staff have at GAC will prepare them for life’s challenges and equip them to positively influence the world.
While we did not operate our in-person camp this summer, we have not slowed down in researching, planning, and developing programs for the year-round well-being of our campers and staff, specifically in the areas of social and emotional well-being and character growth. The growth you witness in your kids after their time at camp is due to the research-backed practices we’ve trained our counselors to utilize in their leadership and guidance.
This summer, we had over 100 campers and 20 counselors participate in GALA, our online leadership and character-building program. The feedback from participants has been extremely positive, and we have been reminded that while what we offer in-person at GAC is not deliverable online, some aspects of what we offer are not tied to our summer sessions in Lakeshore:
• Friendship Skills Practice
• Community/Belonging/Friendships
• Character Growth
To support teachers in building positive class communities and fostering connections, we offer resources, webinars, and community discussions for educators through the Gold Arrow Teacher Academy (GATA).
Now, it’s time to check in with our camp families to find out what you and your child need from GAC!
During this school year, we’d like to continue offering programs that promote our campers’ social and emotional health and provide the fun, friendships, and growth kids need more than ever. We have amazing counselors ready to work to serve our campers.
Before we move forward on implementing any new programs we’d like to hear from our camp families to determine your interest level. For families who have plenty of support and resources with your school and community and aren’t interested in additional offerings from GAC, we want to hear that too!
When you receive the survey link via email, please take a few minutes to give us your feedback as we plan programs for the 2020-2021 school year and beyond. We’re also offering a live online forum on October 8 at 5pm PT if you would prefer to share and discuss your ideas with the GAC directors. The links to the survey and live online chat will be sent to camp families via email early this week!
Our GATA (Gold Arrow Teacher Academy) program has been such a fun journey and we have enjoyed connecting and collaborating with everyone. There is still time to register for GATA to access valuable resources, community discussions, past webinar recordings, and our upcoming live webinars. Join us on October 14 at 5pm PT/8pm ET as we share ideas and strategies to coach students to better collaboration and communication.
To learn more about GATA and to register for an individual or school membership, please visit
As a GATA member, you will have access to a free monthly webinar, engage in bi-weekly teacher chats, and receive no-prep or low-prep connection activities delivered to your email inbox weekly from the experts at fun, friendship, and growth.
To view our first webinar, click here. To access our first PDF which provides you with a list of activities to foster online classroom connections, click here.
The entire Gold Arrow Camp team is looking forward to connecting with new and returning camp families throughout the fall, winter, and spring as we gear up for an awesome summer of fun, friendship, and growth! We could all use a little camp magic next summer, right?
Soon, registration will open for Summer 2021 and you may have questions about summer dates and programs, session availability, finalizing your camper’s enrollment if you rolled over your tuition from 2020, how we’re preparing for a healthy summer, and other important information. Most of the answers can be found by visiting the 2021 Enrollment FAQ page. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or by phone at 800-554-2267 x. 0.
In order to best serve our camp community and new families who are excited to join the GAC family, we will be reaching out to everyone via email to notify you of the date and time that registration will open. Registration will open first to siblings of campers who rolled their tuition from 2020 to 2021. Next, we will open enrollment to families who were on our Summer 2020 waiting list. Shortly after, enrollment will open for all families!
All of us at GAC are really excited for Summer 2021 and getting back to fun on the lake, gathering around a campfire, and sleeping under the stars!
Camp Directors Audrey “Sunshine” Monke (Gold Arrow Camp) and Sara “Salsa” Kuljis (Yosemite Sierra Summer Camp) can’t do their all-day in-person workshop this fall, but they are offering an amazing online course with ten, easily-digestible 30-minute lessons, two live coaching calls, and a TON of resources (more than 40 pages in our downloadable workbook)! Join “Sunshine” and “Salsa” this fall for strategies, inspiration, and some much-needed laughs. Course starts in mid-October and videos will be available for you to watch or listen whenever you have time.
We have enjoyed helping support our campers, staff, and parents as we continue to navigate social distancing and as families begin online or modified school schedules. We hope you will join us for some GAC community time that we have planned! We will take this opportunity to encourage fun, friendship, and growth.
Wednesday, September 2 at 4pm PT – Afternoon Assembly
Wednesday, October 7 at 4pm PT – Afternoon Assembly
Wednesday, November 4 at 4pm PT – Afternoon Assembly
Wednesday, December 2 at 4pm PT – Afternoon Assembly
Campers are invited to join us for these Afternoon Assemblies hosted by GAC staff. These events will be held in a private Zoom meeting room and will also be streamed on Facebook. The link to Zoom will be sent via email. Please do not share this link with people outside of our GAC community.
We recognize how difficult this time is for all of us. It is our hope that by offering virtual events for our camp community, we can bring some fun and connection to a challenging time!
For long-time GAC campers and staff, receiving their Five Year Blanket is a BIG DEAL. Campers and staff look forward to being wrapped in their blanket at the final Appreciation Campfire of their 5th summer at GAC. This tradition is rich in history dating back to founder Manny Vezie’s days playing football for Notre Dame.
This year, due to the pandemic, we were not able to have in-person GAC sessions, but we did have a phenomenal group of 105 kids participate in GALA, our online leadership program.
During super secret road trips (coordinated with parents) this summer, the GAC crew drove throughout the state of California surprising our 5 & 10 year campers!
Congratulations to the amazing group of loyal GAC campers who celebrated their blanket & jacket years with us in 2020!