Water Conservation in Action
Our water provider, China Peak Ski area, had some issues with their water system on Friday morning, and we found ourselves without water for a few hours. Fortunately, we were able to get water delivered to camp within a few hours and kept a steady series of water truck deliveries on Friday and Saturday so that we always had plenty of potable water for drinking, hand washing, dish sanitization, etc. As of yesterday afternoon, the water problem was resolved at China Peak and our regular water delivery from China Peak resumed at the normal level. During the short period of time (a few hours on Friday) when we did not have running water, our operations team used creek water to keep toilets flushing properly. Because of the water deliveries, all normal water use was encouraged, including showers. We did encourage campers to use "start-stop" showers (turning off water while lathering) to conserve water, and many campers enjoyed the option of taking a "lake shower" (with biodegradable soap we provided). Many kids thought that was pretty fun. At Saturday's dinner, to be cautious with our water supply, we turned off the juice machines to conserve some water, which probably had the most impact on the campers, who really like their juice. As of today (Sunday), all regular water use (including the POG juice machine, hot chocolate machine, and regular showers) is back to normal. During the short period of time on Friday morning when we did not have water flowing throughout camp, we provided campers ... Read more