
Big Campfire

Big Campfire

"Big Campfire" is a highlight of the session for campers here at GAC. At Big Campfire, each cabin group performs a skit, song, or dance. The evening provides a fun opportunity for kids to work together to provide a fun, entertaining performance for the community. Our younger campers (Bears & Tigers) celebrated Big Campfire on Saturday evening, and our older kids (Lions & Eagles) had their Big Campfire on Monday evening. Here are a few highlights from this session's Big Campfires:

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Western Dance!

Western Dance!

Tonight, everyone at camp came down to Granite Grove in their best Western attire to celebrate the end of an incredible Session 4 at GAC! Enjoy the highlights below!

[gallery size="large" ids="5664,5665,5666,5667,5663,5662"]

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Whadda Week!

Whadda Week!

Session 4 campers have had an awesome first week at GAC. The singing has been loud and the dancing ubiquitous! We are also doing a whole lot of bucket filling. One of our favorite ways to fill each other's buckets has been writing WOWs. Each morning at assembly, Cheerio reads a few of the WOWs from the previous day, and then all of the notes are delivered in the camp mail. WOWs are a fun camp tradition that reminds us to thank, compliment, and celebrate each other.

Whadda Day! Podcast

Our daily podcast features campers and staff talking about what's happening at GAC. Campers (usually with their cabin group) serve as hosts for our daily update, which is usually recorded right after Morning Assembly. You can listen or subscribe here. Episodes so far this session: August 4: Junior Counselors August 5: Cabin 29 August 6: Cabin 17 August 7: Cabin 0 August 8: Cabin 1 August 9: Cabin 15 August 10: Cabin 23

Stat of the Day

A new and fun addition to morning assembly 2019 has been the "Stat of the Day." Each day, Soy and the other hosts present a stat challenge question. Each cabin group can put one guess into the yellow "Stat of the Day" box. The winning guess gets the special "Stat of the Day" trophy on their dining table for the next day. A few of the fun stat ... Read more

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Crazy Cranium Day

Crazy Cranium Day

Today was Crazy Cranium Day, and we had some wild headgear, wacky hairdos and all-around crazy craniums! See some pictures and the video below for a look at the fun!  

[gallery size="large" ids="5528,5529,5530,5531,5533,5536,5537,5538,5539,5535,5534"]

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