
Cabin Theme Day!

Cabin Theme Day!

This morning, at morning assembly, each cabin arrived with it's own theme! Some wore backwards hats, others were decked out in lifejackets, even some rocked walrus teeth! Enjoy a few photos from the morning, below! [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video] . [gallery size="large" ids="5497,5498,5499,5500,5501,5502,5503,5504,5505"]

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Pajama Breakfast

Pajama Breakfast

We always start our first breakfast of the session making ourselves feel comfy and at home in our jammies! Here are a few pictures from the morning! [gallery size="large" ids="5461,5464,5465,5466,5467"]

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Hawaiian Dance!

Hawaiian Dance!

Last night, everyone at camp came down to Granite Grove in their best Hawaiian shirts and leis to celebrate the end of an incredible Session 3 at GAC! Enjoy the highlights below! . [gallery size="large" ids="5407,5408,5409,5410,5411"]

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Jump in to the Fun for 2020!

Jump in to the Fun for 2020!

Priority Enrollment for our returning camp families starts today for next summer! Our Priority Enrollment period runs from August 1 - September 15, 2019. While only returning families are allowed to enroll during this period, we cannot guarantee your first choice session. Some age groups (typically grades 5-9) will fill within the first few days or weeks of the Priority Enrollment period. To ensure you are able to enroll in your first choice session for 2020, register on or soon after August 1, 2019!

2020 Dates & Rates

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