Session 1 Video Highlights & Slideshow

Session 1 has already come and gone and we miss everyone so much already! We hope you enjoy these memories and we cannot wait to see you next year!

Session 1 Graduating Campers

Gold Arrow campers who have completed the 9th or 10th grade take part in a special celebration at the end of their camp session.  These campers and their counselor gather around a magical campfire created just for them when the rest of camp is settling into their sleeping bags.  This is a milestone and tradition that campers both look forward to and have feelings of trepidation about because it signals the beginning of something new and the end of their time as a carefree camper. Each camper receives a paddle inscribed with their name and a special word selected by their counselor.  Notches on the wood represent the years spent at GAC.  For our graduating campers, this paddle is more than wood and inscriptions, it’s the hope of what lies ahead after the many lessons learned as a camper.


Session 1’s 3 and 5 Year Campers

Congrats to our 3 and 5 year campers! Since the early days of camp, founder Manny Vezie began a tradition – campers and staff who attend Gold Arrow Camp for five summers are presented with a blanket to commemorate this achievement. Every summer at camp 5-year campers are wrapped in their blankets at Appreciation Campfire along with 3-year campers who receive their banner on the final night of their session.


Session 1 Bears’ Adventure

A highlight of the two-week session for our youngest campers (grades K-3), and their version of backpacking, is Bears’ Adventure. This one-night trip allows campers to experience sleeping outdoors under the stars and cooking over a campfire. Campers’ luggage is taken for them to the campsite, so they are not technically “backpacking,” because they have no pack to carry. With just their water bottle and their positive attitude, they set out from camp singing and talking on their hike.

The best part of Bears’ Adventure is the free time kids get to play and explore the area. For many campers, the longer sticks provide the perfect start to a fort. Others enjoy laying on their sleeping bags talking with friends or silently watching clouds move overhead. Some participate in crafts and games while enjoying being outdoors. For many of these kids, Bears’ Adventure is their first experience “roughing it,” and they absolutely love it.

When they hike back into camp the morning after their adventure, our Bears campers stand a little taller. And their dirty, smiling faces are the best indication that they have experienced the awe of nature.

Meet Your 2021 GAC Staff!

We’re thrilled to introduce you to the 2021 GAC Staff!

They’re trained and ready for an amazing summer guiding campers to have fun, make friends, and grow! Visit the Meet the Staff Page for individual pictures and bios.

June Specialty 3 Session Slideshow

We had so much fun during June Specialty 3! Enjoy these memories and we cannot wait to see you next year!

June Specialty 2/GACpacking Session Slideshow

We have so many great memories from June Specialty 2/GACpacking session. Here are some highlights as recorded by our awesome media team (AKA the “GACarazzi”):

Session 1 Outpost & Events Schedule

June Specialty & GACpacking Start Today!

Can you believe it? Camp has officially begun! Today, we’re welcoming our June Specialty & GACpacking campers to Gold Arrow Camp. Our June Specialty campers will enjoy an action-packed week of waterskiing, wakeboarding, and kneeboarding, while our GACpacking campers will enjoy a week of backcountry hiking skill building. Shaver Specialty is held on our island outpost in the middle of Shaver Lake, where campers sleep under the stars after spending fun days on the lake.

June Shaver Specialty Menu
GACpacking Menu

Want to learn more about June Specialty? Click here.
Want to learn more about GACpacking? Click here.

2021 Dance Themes!

One of the highlights of each session is our camp dance.

Dances feature favorite group dances, like Footloose and Tragedy. There’s also our photo booth for some pictures with friends, special snacks and drinks like the “Soy Rogers” and “Shirley Chipmunk,” as well as a wide selection of games for those campers that prefer playing games over dancing.

Each of our dances has a theme, and campers and staff are encouraged to dress up to match the theme. Some people bring costumes from home, while others improvise using their clothes or making something at Arts & Crafts. Whatever you choose to do, we know you’ll have a great time at our dances.

This year’s dance themes are:

June Shaver Specialty: Hollywood

Come as your favorite celebrity or dress to impress as one of your favorite movie characters for this fun SoCal themed party!

Session 1: Pirates

Shiver me timbers matey! Session 1 campers will be walking the plank to fun with their peg-legs, eye patches, and other pirate accessories.

Session 2: Groovy Hippies and Tie-Dye

Let’s have some far-out fun in Session 2, when we enjoy the dance with our best hippie costumes, or your tie-dyed favorites.

Session 3: Halloween

Having a hard time coming up with a costume for Session 3’s Halloween dance? Any costume will do as we celebrate the one night of the year when people love costumes as much as we do on dance night.

Session 4: Winter Wonderland

It’ll be the end of August, but we’re going to dress like a blizzard is on the way for our Winter Wonderland dance for Session 4.

Mini Camp and August Shaver Specialty: Candy Land

It’s a night for sweet treats as we end the summer with a dance celebrating candy, or the board game Candy Land!