Cabin 1

Ace 🇺🇸

Waterfront Counselor
Ace 🇺🇸

Waterfront Counselor


Nogales, AZ


The University of Arizona

Favorite food:Pasta
Were you a camper at GAC:


If you could be any fictional character, what character would you be and why?:Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter Series - This is because she represents a strong character, but is still feminine, and not afraid to show it. Also, because she is a fierce and a loyal friend that everyone would like to have in their life and she inspires me to be like her.
What you're most looking forward to: am looking forward to the development, friendships, and memories that I plan to make at camp this summer!

Mayo 🇺🇸

Backpacking Counselor
Mayo 🇺🇸

Backpacking Counselor


Fullerton, CA


Johns Hopkins University

Favorite food:Blood oranges
Were you a camper at GAC:


If you could be any fictional character, what character would you be and why?:Buttercup from The Princess Bride because it is my favorite book.
What you're most looking forward to:I am looking forward to exploring the sierras and enjoying the California sun.

Cypress 🇺🇸

Group Counselor
Cypress 🇺🇸

Group Counselor


Shreveport, LA


Louisiana State University Shreveport

Favorite food:Italian
Were you a camper at GAC:


If you could be any fictional character, what character would you be and why?:Ms. Honey from Matilda, such a loving teacher
What you're most looking forward to:Cabin camaraderie
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