Cabin 21

Banzai ⭐️ 🇺🇸

Lieutenant Fun Officer
Banzai ⭐️ 🇺🇸

Lieutenant Fun Officer


Fountain Valley, CA


University of Southern California

Favorite food:Sushi
Were you a camper at GAC:


If you could be any fictional character, what character would you be and why?Lilo! She’s fearless, creative, and loves to have fun. (plus she has an alien as a pet!)
What you're most looking forward to:Meeting lots of cool people, spending summer outdoors, and helping campers face fears and discover new passions!

Loon 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Waterfront Counselor
Loon 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Waterfront Counselor


Leicester, UK


University of Nottingham

Favorite food:Beans on toast (cannot go wrong with a bit of extra cheese and some worcestershire sauce
Were you a camper at GAC:


If you could be any fictional character, what character would you be and why?Robin Hood so I could bring happiness to those who deserve it
What you're most looking forward to:Helping campers learn to love water sports!

Caster 🇲🇽

Group Counselor
Caster 🇲🇽

Group Counselor


Mexico City


Colegio Miraflores

Favorite food:Tacos
Were you a camper at GAC:


If you could be any fictional character, what character would you be and why?Superman, he is super charismatic and so easy-going. I always look up to Superman.
What you're most looking forward to: Being there and meeting amazing people.

Jemni 🇹🇳

Target Sports Counselor
Jemni 🇹🇳

Target Sports Counselor


Jemna, Tunisia


Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Sousse

Favorite food:Kafteji
Were you a camper at GAC:


If you could be any fictional character, what character would you be and why?Doctor Strange ! It would be so cool to have magical abilities that allow me to travel through space and time !
What you're most looking forward to:I am looking forward to the campfire gatherings, so that we can share stories and roast marshmallows !
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