“Working at GAC is an amazing experience. I study at a university full of incredibly driven students competing for the best internships and entries for their resumes. Coming here, I realized that a resume full of internships isn’t everything. Getting away from it all and spending nine weeks here at camp with an awesome group of people is one of the best things I’ve done in years. You can’t go wrong with the people you meet here. After all, it takes a special kind of person to become a counselor at GAC.”
“After living 2 months in the sunny sierras it grew up to feel like my second home. I had the best time of my life, made amazing friends, but mostly, I felt like I was making an impact on campers, and it was the most amazing thing to watch them grow, learn, make friends and have fun.”
“Camp creates such an environment where everyone is well supported and is set up for success.”
“I loved being disconnected from the outside world, you forget when you’re 7,500ft up a mountain what the outside life is like and that’s something I really enjoyed. I loved sleeping under the stars every night, having campfires and being so close to nature. ”
“I also really appreciate the daily routine of camp. At camp I consistently eat well, go to bed at a reasonable hour and get lots of exercise. I love being in the outdoors and on the lake. I love how I am always making an impact on somebody else’s day. Gold Arrow Camp cultivates good habits and I am very grateful for that..”
“In a nutshell, get ready for the best summer of your life and get ready to go all-out, all day, every day! You will have the opportunity to positively impact kids’ lives while undoubtedly being positively impacted yourself.”

“I really enjoyed bonding with campers as well as fellow staff. Being in an environment that was almost entirely and consistently positive and upbeat was really nice. Seeing kids truly have fun, make friends, and grow was such a cool experience.”
“I didn’t realize that this summer would be the summer where I would change my outlook on life. I came home with memories and experiences that I would have never imagined. The new experiences helped me stretch outside of my comfort zone and grow in ways that I never thought possible. Most importantly, camp showed me that I am capable of more than I realize.”
“I have never laughed so much in my life. I got to do the thing I love most in the most beautiful setting and with some truly amazing people”
“My happiest summer. I can’t remember a time when I have felt more happy, unstressed and content. ”
“What made my summer so incredible were the people. It’s a particular kind of person who gives up their summer to look after other people. I was welcomed with a kind of energy and acceptance that I hadn’t felt in a long time.”